WELLA Brilliance Hair Mask Review

Wella Brilliance Hair Mask

Hair masks are something I’ve toyed with in the past, but never made part of my regular routine.  I’ve been colouring my hair for around 10 years now, so this is something I really should be investing time in.  It really is a case of laziness with me!  When I was rummaging through the shelves of the TK MAXX hair shelf, I found WELLA Brilliance hair mask; treatment for fine to normal, coloured hair.  RRP is £17.50, but I save almost £10, with a price tag of £7.99.  It sounded like a bargain, perfect for my hair type, so I picked it up.

The packaging states; This lightweight mask instantly helps restore and enhance vibrancy of coloured hair, leaving even fine hair full of free flowing movement.  With diamond dust.

Unlike with most of my reviews, I’ve actually only used this mask once, but love the way my hair feels that I wanted to share it with you earlier than I usually would.

To use the mask, you apply after shampooing, massage through your hair and leave for 5 minutes; perfect, not too long for this impatient girl, and just enough time to shave my legs – I like to multi-task.

This needs a very good rinse to get out all of the product, there felt like there was a lot more product on my hair than I had actually applied when I rinsed it out.  My hair felt super soft as I rinsed the product out, but I don’t always think this is the same once dry.  After towel drying my hair, I was surprised by the ease of combing with my wide-tooth comb, there was no need for a detangling product, which is definitely a plus point for me.  I dried my hair as I normally would, blasting it downwards from the roots, then using a large round brush when almost dry.  Normally my hair would be frizzy, as it is naturally curly, and without straighteners it just looks a mess.  To my surprise, my hair is super smooth and soft.  I also feel that the drying time was massively reduced after using the WELLA Brilliance hair mask.

My hair is also super shiny, something blonde hair often lacks.  It also doesn’t feel like I have used anything heavy on my hair, just as the packaging states.  Great, a product that does what is says on the tin!  Andrew also commented that my hair looks a lot blonder.

The mask has a light fruity scent, so it is actually really nice to use.

Overall, I really like this product, and would recommend you try it.  I think it is a bargain for the £7.99 I paid.  Would I pay £17.50?  Probably, if I have the same results after several uses!

Have any of you tried the WELLA Brilliance hair mask?  What was your experience?

If any of you are on Bloglovin, please follow bylaurenjane – and leave me your links too.

Lauren xx


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